How to take care and integrate after the session
You just had your past life regression, very likely lots of information and insights came your way. So now it’s time for reflection, processing and integration. Read the following tips to help you with this.
Drink Water & Eat Fresh Food
As you received this stream of information from your regression, it’s best to get things flowing inside as well. Water will help you get grounded again and come back to the 3D world. Nurture your system by eating healthy grounding foods. The higher self always recommends to eat foods that are alive, like vegetables and fruits.
Create Mental Space
Don’t take in more information from other possible channels. If you can; don’t watch TV, limit your phone use and don’t get online. Your mind is full and it’s best to allow yourself to fully soak up all the information and energy you received in your regression. Instead of looking at your devices, go for a walk, stare at the sky for a while or simple relax at home.
Take a Rest
It’s very common for people to have a nap or a sleep after the session. Allow yourself to calm down and be kind to yourself. Don’t overextend yourself by meeting others or even sharing right away what has happened. There will be time enough for all of that later. For now, just take care of you.
Jotting your experience down on paper can be very helpful. Not only does this help with the integration and sinking in of what had just happened, it also allows for your intuition to speak through you in more detail. Especially writing with a pen and paper (as oppossed to typing) can bring about a flow of intuitive messages. Your hand and arm are directly connected to your heart center, and the time it takes to write manually is the perfect time for your intuition to plant more insights.
Connect to the Earth
Earthing is one of my very favourite tools in my toolbox. All that it means is taking off your shoes and making a skin to earth connection. You can do this wherever you are, it could be in your backyard, a nearby park or a forest for instance. The results are almost instant, you will feel all your senses calming down and aligning with the natural rhythms of mother earth, and these rhythms are much much slower than the ones of society. Want to know more about earthing? Check out this documentary.
Be Grateful Towards Your Higher Self
Now the session is over, your ego mind will be back in the playing field, and it will try to convince you that the session was not successful, or that you maybe made it all up, or that the healing is too good to be true. The way to bypass these limiting thoughts is to simply be grateful for your higher self, and for the session your Higher Self created. By simply expressing gratefulness, you automatically accept the wonders that came about in your session. The mind can be a wonderful tool, as long as we use it wisely. ;)
Be Present to Your Intuition
Just because the session is over doesn’t mean that the door to your higher self is now closed. You are still in a very receptive state, so be mindful of that. Likely more information, thoughts, ideas or epiphanies will come your way. Acknowledge these and write them down, as they might disappear as fast as they came. The more space you create for yourself, the more this steady stream of information can unfold.
Don’t Let Your Conscious Mind Fool You
It’s very common for you to doubt the validity of what has happened during the session. Many people come out of the session and their minds are causing restlessness and spreading feelings of doubt and confusion. The reason for that is that your mind likes to believe it’s the only source of wisdom and insights, as soon as you gain new information and understanding from a different source (in this case your past lives and higher self) it will try to discredit it. This is very common and your conscious mind will do that almost automatically. No worries, this feeling will subside over time and especially after you’re listening back to your recording. The way you feel while listening to your recording will bring about a sense of peace and knowing.
Listen to Your Audio Recording
Some people like to review their recording the same week, some people wait a little longer. Do what feels right to you but make sure to listen to your recording, there will likely be big chunks of information in there that you didn’t pick up consciously during your session. So there will be a lot of golden nuggets in there! Another lovely side note, whenever you listen back to your recording, you again open the door to your higher self and your intuition. So again you’ll be more receptive to its messages and inspiration.