Hello! I’m Marije. My name may look strangely spelled, but in The Netherlands it’s actually a very common name, pronounced something like“Mariah.” My background is in graphic design. You might wonder how one goes from being a graphic designer to a past life regressionist? Well let me tell you!

Here we go..
On my 30th birthday, I was gifted the book ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’ by Brain Weiss. I’ve always considered myself an open minded person, but never before had I really thought much about reincarnation or the after death experience. I read a third of the book in one evening and remember feeling quite fascinated yet confused. “Could reincarnation actually be real? Nobody’s has even really talked to me about it”. The next morning the most incredible thing happened that made me turn my whole life around. I wake up, and right away all my thoughts are gathering around the topic of reincarnation and past life regression again, I am walking towards the bathroom and in this moment I heard a very clear, authoritative yet beautiful voice, and it said to me “ You knew about reincarnation all along, it’s just time for you to remember it now.” It was as if all the cells in my body got switched on and I felt very ecstatic. As you might imagine, I was completely blown away by this. I literally had to sit down to process what just happened but I also knew this was it. If reincarnation is real, then I need to know all there is to know about it. And frankly not just reincarnation also spirituality in general because apparently there is a whole world out there that, at that point, I knew nothing about.
And that’s what I started doing, I started studying spiritual books and materials, meeting new people, listening to new teachers, attending workshops and allowing new concepts and information into my awareness. It wasn’t that just my outlook on life started changing, I started changing myself as well. I started to see life through a completely different lens, and with it my behaviour, my thinking, my actions all started to transform. All in the most positive of ways. The beauty of this process is that it is still very much unfolding. I am not sure it will ever end. I still find myself following my curiosity and it leads me to the most beautiful experiences and insights that enrich my everyday life.
In this process I learned how to channel my spirit guides and it was in working with my spirit guides that I discovered I am to do past life regression work myself. I thought it was the coolest thing I’ve ever heard. It was also my guides that pointed me into the direction of Dolores Cannon. As soon as I started to find out about Dolores I felt such a strong rush of excitement that I knew this was the path for me.
Dolores created a past life regression technique called QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) and it’s like nothing else that is out there. Her technique is clear, grounded and incredibly powerful. Since 2018 I have been studying the QHHT technique and am proud to call myself a Level 3 QHHT Practitioner by now. Doing past life regressions is my absolute purpose in life, it’s frankly the best job in the world. The beauty is that I attract the most amazing clients as well. I am always so amazed by my clients for being so open, curious and ready to take the deep dive into these magical and (often) new realms.
There is much more than meets the eye. Just knowing this can help people make a positive shift, to live a more full, awake, and conscious life. I have been able to help my clients answer their life questions, figure out their next move, and find out what their life purpose is - and let me tell you… wonders never cease!
Podcasts & Interviews
Podcasts & Interviews
I have been a guest on different podcasts shows, talking about the fascinating insights and teachings that I have gained as a Past Life Regressionist. Check them out on my Podcast & Interviews page.
My Credentials
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
05.06.2018 - Julia Cannon - See Certificate Here
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
18.02.2019 - Julia Cannon - See Certificate Here
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
18.03.2019 - Julia Cannon - See Certificate Here
Beyond Quantum Healing
10.06.2020 - Candace Craw-Goldman - See Certificate Here
Online Psychology Course by Dr. Gabor Maté
06.06.2021 - Dr. Gabor Maté
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
25.06.2022 - Julia Cannon & Marilyn Dyke - See Certificate Here